Saturday, September 06, 2008

Furnace Flue Heat Exchanger - Economizer

This is an interesting video about how to make full use of the energy from a heat source. In this case it is a furnace and it acts as an economizer. The video shows how waste heat from the furnace is used to pre-heat the hot water tank feed reducing the amount of energy required and the GHG emissions released. Check it out...


renee alberts said...

I have one less thing to worry about after Fluorotherm (FEP tubing) heat exchangers replaced our old tank(s) heating system. We are saving money. I will be happy to recommend their products.

Anonymous said...

With the use of heat exchangers such as economizers, waste-water can still be used for heating boilers and furnace. Just make sure that they are properly maintained and checked regularly for signs of corrosion.

Jasmin Shakespeare